Sunday, 13 December 2009

Animation Mentor progress

Sorry for the loooong absence. Keeping a blog updated is harder than it looks ;)
Or rather, writing about things I think people might be interested in is harder than it looks. However, all of a sudden there are a couple of things I want to blog about, so you're getting lots of posts all at once!

So firstly, my animation progress. AM continues to be a fantastic place to learn all of this - I'm not sure where the last term went! Would have liked to be a bit more active in checking out other people's work etc. - hopefully I'll start to get a bit more organized with my time for next term.

Here's the current state of my 3 assignments for this term. Not 100% happy with these shots, but am close to the point where I'm not sure what else to do with them to get them where I want them to be. The dance in particular feels a bit lacklustre, and still can't get the turn on the hopscotch working how I want. I've still got one more critique to come from my brilliant mentor Leigh Rens though, so maybe I'll be able to improve on them a bit more in the last week.

Hopefully I'll be able to raise the level of my animation next term, and start producing shots that I'm proud of.

Anyway, hope you enjoy seeing what I've been up to! ;)

p.s. Vimeo seems to have done something odd with the video at the end which wasn't in the original quicktime. Apologies for that.

AM Class 2 shots from Sarah Knight on Vimeo.

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